Eligible candidates are PhD students in OSCM from all over the world. Applications from young researchers and practitioners may also be considered. The selection will be based on CV and coherence between the research interests and the main topics of the summer school.

Candidates must submit a brief overview (1000 words) of their research topic and interests, as well as a short CV (one page) via email (euromasummerschool@econ.ubbcluj.ro).
Application deadline: 5th of July 2024
Notification of acceptance: 8th of July 2024
The EurOMA Summer School will grant 3 ECTS

Registration can be carried out after receiving the notification of acceptance. The registration is valid after completing the payment and receiving a confirmation email from the organizers.
Registration deadline: 19th of July 2024

Registration fee
EurOMA members: 800 EUR
Non-EurOMA members: 900 EUR (the fee does not include the EurOMA 2024 membership fee. If you want to become an EurOMA member for 2024 prior to registering to the EurOMA Summer School 2024, please click here)

The registration fee includes accommodation (5 nights; check-in: 4th, check-out: 9th of August). The accommodation will be in single occupancy hotel rooms with breakfast included. The fee also includes coffee breaks and lunches (5th to 9th of August) and a welcome reception.

Payment process
Please, submit your proof of EurOMA membership to euromasummerschool@econ.ubbcluj.ro!
The proof has to be submitted ON the day of the payment. Participation with the reduced fee is only available if the proof has been submitted.

Application closed!