Albachiara Boffelli holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Management of Technology from the University of Pavia (Italy). The doctoral thesis explored the topic of reshoring, understanding the main phases of the process, using case studies and meta-synthesis and meta-analysis methodologies. As part of the PhD program, she carried out a research period abroad at Lund University (Sweden) under the supervision of Prof. Jan Olhager. Since 2021 she has been Assistant Professor at the University of Bergamo, lecturing the courses of Sustainable and Global Supply Management, Management of Global Enterprises and General Business Administration and Logistic Systems Management. Since December 2021, she has been a board member of the School of Management of the University of Bergamo. She earned the Italian National Habilitation for Associate Professor in October 2022.

Between June and July 2023 she spent a visiting period at the University of Manchester (UK).
Along the academic path, she has participated in numerous conferences and seminars, both at the national and international level. She is currently a member of the following associations: EurOMA, DSI, AiIG, IPSERA, ASCM, PMI. Since 2022, she serves in the Board of EurOMA, as chair of the Education and Small Events team.
Her research has been published in several international journals, such as the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, the International Journal of Production Economics, the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Production Planning and Control, the Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, and others. Since 2023 she serves as Area Editor of Operations Management Research.

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